Sushi Bar
In room 14 On Wednesday 20th of February 2019. We decided to sell sushi for fundraising for camp. So first of all we need ingredients to make the sushi. Isaiah said he could bring cucumber. ( I don’t know if he bring the cucumber. But at the end of the day Abdulwahid said that he could bring carrots and cucumber. He bring a cucumber But i don’t know if he bring carrots. There are two flower tuna and chicken.The ingredients carrots, cucumber, rice, seaweed, tuna or chicken and mayonnaise. We are doing it in room 14, Mis Tokuma called her sister to help and she said OK. Mis Tokuma Brought what what the ingredients 1 or 2 days before the day. (We are selling it at lunch time) Now the day has come, the day to sell the sushi. So many people came, it was so noses. ( I wanted to leave but at the same time i still wanted to stay so i did stay) We were going to put music on but we didn't because it was to noses. It was hard trying to make sure everyone payed and everyone got there sushi. Two teachers came to buy there sushi,they were mrs ulugia-pua and mrs Laru laru. I had no job :( So i was looking, I felt board. But it was really interning how many people came. The next day mrs samwen rang your up and said there were some kids in room 2 that had money for sushi, but didn't come to buy the sushi. (They were scared to come)